Born in Bogota, Colombia. Carlos has completed a master’s degree  in Classical Guitar at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He is a prize winner of the 19th Annual FIU Concerto Competition and holds a bachelor's Degree in Classical Guitar Performance from Florida International University.

His commitment to the guitar and talent have enabled him to perform in master classes given by guitar virtuosos such as Shin-Ichi Fukuda,  Aniello Desiderio, Ricardo Gallen, David Russell, Pepe Romero, and Manuel Barrueco among many others. In addition, he was granted an honorable mention at the 2016 South Florida Young Artist Competition.

Carlos Serrano has performed in several events presented by organizations such as The Miami Classical Guitar Society, Compositum Musicae Novae, Timucua Arts Foundation, The Milwaukee Classical Guitar Society, The VIII Miami GuitArt International Festival, Florida Guitar Foundation, Guitar Sarasota and the Madison Guitar Society (Wisconsin). Besides these events, Carlos has performed with the Milwaukee Mandolin Orchestra, FIU Miami Guitar Orchestra, and the FIU Jazz Guitar Ensemble.

Carlos has held teaching positions at the Grammy- nominated Latino Arts Strings program, the Wisconsin Conservatory of Music, Miami Dade Public Schools, and Barry University. Finally, he has been featured on the WDNA FIU Hour Radio Show.
